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Hacettepe University

Hacettepe Üniversitesi

Hacettepe Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Sıhhiye
Ankara - Turkey

About Hacettepe University

Hacettepe University Overview

Hacettepe University (HU), founded in 1967, stands tall as a distinguished state university nestled in the heart of Turkey's capital, Ankara. With its main campus in Sıhhiye and the sprawling Beytepe Campus, encompassing five campuses in total, the university leaves an indelible mark on the academic landscape.

This institution's roots trace back to 1954 when the Child Health Department emerged within Ankara University's Medical Faculty in the Hacettepe neighborhood of Altındağ. Spearheaded by the visionary Professor Dr. İhsan Doğramacı, it soon evolved into the Institute and Hospital of Child Health, transitioning into a remarkable healthcare establishment by 1957. The institute expanded its horizons, initiating educational pursuits alongside research and treatment endeavors in 1958. The subsequent years saw the establishment of faculties focusing on nursing, medical technology, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation, followed by the School of Health Sciences specializing in nutrition and dietetics in 1962. 1963 witnessed the transformation of this school into the esteemed Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, while simultaneously launching the School of Dentistry.

The unification of educational, research, and healthcare activities under one roof materialized with the establishment of the Hacettepe Science Center in 1965, giving birth to the active Hacettepe Medical Center and Hospital the following year. As time passed, Hacettepe University's journey expanded to include faculties of Medicine, Health Sciences, Science, Social Sciences, and Home Economics in 1968. The previously existing Pharmacy and Dentistry departments were elevated to faculties in 1971.

Innovative thinking propelled the university's growth, ushering in new departments, faculties, research centers, and vocational schools. Yet, the insufficiency of space posed a challenge that led to the birth of the expansive Beytepe Campus, sprawled over a 1500-hectare expanse, approximately 20 kilometers from the Sıhhiye Campus.

As of 2020, Hacettepe University thrives with an impressive array of academic institutions, encompassing fifteen faculties, fifteen institutes, two vocational schools, one conservatory, four vocational schools, and a remarkable count of ninety-eight research and application centers.

This institution's influence stretches beyond academia, nurturing a vibrant tapestry of student clubs, making it a hub of diversity and engagement. An astonishing assemblage of approximately 140 student clubs thrives on the Sıhhiye and Beytepe Campuses, encompassing realms of art, sports, science, politics, technology, and social causes like animal rights, women's rights, and human rights. Beyond merely joining existing clubs, students hold the freedom to establish clubs aligning with their interests, subject to fulfilling necessary criteria.

Guided by the vision of nurturing both artistic and scientific endeavors, Hacettepe University showcases its commitment through two exquisite art museums situated on separate campuses. The Hacettepe Art Museum, established in 2005 on the Sıhhiye Campus, exhibits an awe-inspiring collection, featuring masterpieces by renowned artists like Burhan Doğançay, Şeref Akdik, Hikmet Onat, Feyhaman Duran, and many more. On the Beytepe Campus, the Hamiye Çolakoğlu Ceramic Museum, inaugurated in 2020, pays homage to the exceptional artist and academician Hamiye Çolakoğlu, an influential figure in Turkish ceramic art.

Hacettepe University consistently ranks high in prestigious lists such as the Webometrics, where it garners international recognition and acclaim. Its unwavering commitment to excellence shines through the Faculty of Medicine, which has earned its place as one of the finest medical schools in Turkey, securing the top spot among state universities for over a decade.

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Institution Details

Hacettepe University Image Hacettepe University
  • Acronym
  • Type Public
  • Active Students 49.582
  • Established 1967
  • Budget $127.465.105
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  •   English     French     German  
  •   Turkish  

Born in Ankara in 1969, the individual completed their undergraduate studies at Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences in 1991, followed by a Master's degree at Gazi University in 1995 and a Ph.D. at Hacettepe University in 2000. They joined the Department of Finance at Hacettepe University as an assistant professor in 2007, became an associate professor in 2009, and finally achieved the rank of professor in 2011. Additionally, in 2005, they served as a visiting researcher at the Cato I... Read More...

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What is the mailing address of Hacettepe University?

    Mailing address of Hacettepe University is Hacettepe Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Sıhhiye, Ankara - Turkey.

  • What is the website of Hacettepe University?

    The website of Hacettepe University is http://www.hun.edu.tr/

  • What is the phone number of Hacettepe University?

    The phone number of Hacettepe University is +90 312 305 50 50

  • What is the email address of Hacettepe University?

    The email address of Hacettepe University is [email protected]

  • What is the abbreviated name of Hacettepe University?

    The abbreviated name of Hacettepe University is

  • What is the type of Hacettepe University (Private/Public)?

    Hacettepe University is a Public university

  • What is the current number of active students at Hacettepe University?

    The current number of active students at Hacettepe University is 49.582

  • What is the establishment year of Hacettepe University?

    The establishment year of Hacettepe University is 1967

  • What is the annual budget of Hacettepe University?

    The annual budget of Hacettepe University is $127.465.105

  • What is the Facebook address of Hacettepe University?

    The Facebook address of Hacettepe University is https://www.facebook.com/HacettepeUniversitesiKurumsal

  • What is the Instagram address of Hacettepe University?

    The Instagram address of Hacettepe University is https://www.instagram.com/hacettepe_university/

  • What is the Linkedin address of Hacettepe University?

    The Linkedin address of Hacettepe University is https://tr.linkedin.com/school/hacettepe-university/

  • What is the Youtube address of Hacettepe University?

    The Youtube address of Hacettepe University is https://www.youtube.com/@HacettepeKurumsal

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