Sunil Kumar

Sunil Kumar


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Sunil Kumar

Sunil Kumar

Tufts University (Rector)

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About Sunil Kumar

Sunil Kumar Overview

Sunil Kumar is currently serving as the President of Tufts University, having commenced his role on July 1, 2023. Prior to his appointment at Tufts, Kumar held the esteemed position of provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at Johns Hopkins University, showcasing a successful career in academia.

Born in India, Sunil Kumar was raised under the influence of his father, a dedicated police officer. His academic expedition began with a Bachelor of Engineering from the National Institute of Technology Karnataka in 1990. Following this, Kumar pursued his Master of Engineering in computer science and automation at the Indian Institute of Science, completing it in 1992. His pursuit of academic excellence led him to attain a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 1996.

Kumar's professional journey in academia illustrates a rich tapestry of expertise and experience. Spending 14 impactful years at Stanford Graduate School of Business, he held the esteemed position of Fred H. Merrill Professor of Operations, Information, and Technology. During his tenure, Kumar also assumed the role of senior associate dean of academic affairs, overseeing the prestigious MBA program.

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Instructor Info

  • Location Massachusetts-United States

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  • Where does Sunil Kumar live?

    Sunil Kumar lives in Massachusetts - United States

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