Thomas F. Rosenbaum

Thomas F. Rosenbaum


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Thomas F. Rosenbaum

Thomas F. Rosenbaum

California Institute of Technology (Rector)

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About Thomas F. Rosenbaum

Thomas F. Rosenbaum Overview

Thomas Felix Rosenbaum, born on February 20, 1955, is a distinguished American condensed matter physicist and professor of physics. Currently, he holds the esteemed position of president at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Prior to his role at Caltech, Rosenbaum served as a faculty member and Provost at the University of Chicago, as well as the Vice President for Research at Argonne National Laboratory. In his capacity as president of Caltech, Rosenbaum has made significant strides in promoting scientific research and education. He has introduced a multitude of innovative programs and institutes to fulfill the institution's commitment to these areas. His contributions encompass a broad spectrum, including initiatives to enhance diversity in STEM fields through the provision of fellowships and research funding opportunities.

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Instructor Info

  • Location California-United States

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  • Where does Thomas F. Rosenbaum live?

    Thomas F. Rosenbaum lives in California - United States

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